Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Turning 31......UGHHH

SO... I am not loving getting older. I still feel like I am 21, so it is a bit odd to me to actually be 31 years old. Thank you for all the birthday wishes! Mark and I spent the weekend in Myrtle Beach at South Beach Resort to celebrate and it was GREAT! My sister bought a time share there so we got to stay as her referral in a 2 bedroom condo at the resort. We watched movies, ate at Planet Hollywood and an ocean front restaurant called Damon's and relaxed by the pool. It was our first weekend away from our son who is 18 months (which is good for all married couples to do with children), but we were more than ready to see him again on Sunday. GREAT BIRTHDAY WEEKEND!


Anonymous said...

I've got a little present for you...

Unknown said...

This aging thing is getting to me too!!! 33 UUuugh! I hear ya!
Also, I wanted to pat you on the back for getting away without your son. I say do that as often as possible!!! Happy Birthday to you!